Tuesday, January 02, 2007


We've had our first malaria casualty on the truck. Olya the russian has been diagnosed with the parasite. She was laid out for a few days while on the semi-cure tablets.

Malaria can be somewhat prevented so long as you take the anti-malaria propholaptics and protect yourself with mosquito repellent. Olya did none of these and now has malaria. 'Nuff said. Who will be next?

PS I've just run out of Deet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Mark,
We have been reading your brilliant blog and are pleased to hear that our son, Calum, is still alive - and hopefully taking his Malaria tablets!
Looking forward to the next thrilling installment - only wish we were there too, and looking forward to seeing Cal in Cape Town.
Happy New Year and safe travells to all aboard the yellow truck.
Sue & Simon Skinner