Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Through the Nubian desert

We spent three days crossing the Nubian desert to get to Khartoum. The truck would get stuck in sand and we would all have to get out, dig out the tyres and lay down the sand mats to get the truck out. The words "sand mats" conjures up images of nice flax mats you put down for the tyres. No. These each weigh about twenty kilograms and are made of steel. After six hours of sand matting, moving only a kilometre in the desert, I can assure you they start to feel very heavy.

At one point we even had to chisel out a channel in some rock to allow the diff to get through. It was quite an impressive feat.

Interesting facts I found out while in the middle of the desert with the truck hopelessly jammed in sand:
1. Neither our tour helper nor our driver/mechanic had been to Sudan before.
2. Oasis Overland has never been through the Nubian desert before
3. We don't carry a Satellite phone, so if we get stuck, it is up to us.

Strangely this was quite liberating. It felt a little adventerous which I miss being on a group tour thing. There is no one responsible but yourself and it is up to you. A good feeling.

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