The interesting thing about this particular mutation of a "socks and sandals", is that it is a very overt species. A new discovery I think. Darwin, you have done us proud here. How strange nature is!
As I approached with the camera, the animal didn't even flinch. It flaunted its mosquito repelling plumage and cavorted around as if this were appropriate. Luckily nature films don't have censorship.
So, I present to you the new mutation of the "socks and sandals", the "Full-Iindividual-toe sock and flip-flop" - shocking!

1 comment:
How are you finding your fellow travellers, in addition to the sock mutant? Observations could include... who drinks the most, who doesn't help with their fair share of the cooking/cleaning, who keeps crying out in the night for ham and cheese toasted sammies, (hopefully not all one person named Marky) you get the idea..... ;)
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