Monday, October 30, 2006

Deserts - we got 'em all

Been driving through a lot of desert. Come to the occaisonal oasis where we get lunch and try to find some beer. Been through lots of different types of desert - we have a black desert, a white desert and a duney type desert. I never knew there were so many ways to prepare sand and rocks for different effect. Well done to these Egyptians I say.

Nice in the truck listening to music, reading and relaxing. I've started to walk really slowly again. It's happening; something I like to call the true relax. After two months it will be complete. You can't get slowness of thought like this in just a two week holiday. I shall align my aura to the god of arse-all and my zen shall wibble in a fruitful way. (Apologies for this comment to anybody who believes in nonsense. Eat some garlic; you will feel better)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

speaking of garlic it's a great healer!